last edited :
februari 2022 Nederlands Espaņol |
: Freestate Milagro
Freestate Milagro -
Service -
Workshops -
Welcom on the website of Freestate Milagro The freestate is an independent state where natural laws are in place. The Natural Law (also know as Common Law or Divine Law) constsits of three laws: - Respect life, respect property and respect free will. (In negative form: Do not kill, steal or force) We, the people residing in Freestate Milagro are free living humen beings and only answer to God. We declared ourselfs as free living humen beings and claimed possession of the legal entity created in our name. We are free of any meddling of institutions. We are building the new world from the ground up, for humans and by humans. We do not acknowledge the power of the dutch goverment (or any other goverment) above our own divine given power to rule over ourselves. Vice-president Katri-bas and President Chandra-Rebekka. Download here the Declaration of Establishment>>>>> : Freestate Milagro ~Neptunusstraat~37-~[6543-WT]-~Nijmegen ~KozentrationsLager-NiederLanden +31627234830 - info @ |